Started Open Source Character Library

I’ve started a character library that I can access quickly in case I need to do any quick 2D game development and whatnot. I am not too attached to the art since it’s stuff that I make in a few minutes. I just want to have something quick and dirty, and varied enough to use in a number of situations.

Anyway, it’s got a git depot! With a character already in it!

Guy in a black suit and hat, wearing red gloves, two-punching the air.

Aw look at him go.

Or you can go ahead and do it like a boss:

git clone


Unity Tutorial so far

I’ve uploaded the current results of following the tutorial located at

It’s currently looking like this:

I’ve changed a few things around, and it’s not very impressive, but I think it’s a good start for someone familiarizing themselves with the system.

The zip file (minus all the non-critical files) is here:


Man. I really need to learn how to embed things in these posts.